Good fat HDL (High-density lipoprotein) or what we know as “good cholesterol” is a type of protein that transports cholesterol out of the blood vessels to the liver for removal from the body. Therefore, it is called “good cholesterol”. It can increase its level in various ways, สมัคร ufabet such as exercising regularly, consuming olive oil and natural good fats. Good cholesterol plays an important role in preventing heart and blood vessel disease because it helps reduce the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels.
However, when checking health, especially measuring blood fat, the HDL (good fat) value and LDL (bad fat) value will be displayed. The standard value of HDL or good fat is as follows:
4 ways to increase good fat in your body
1. Eat Olive Oil
Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats out there. An analysis of data from 42 studies involving more than 800,000 people found that olive oil was the only source of monounsaturated fat that appeared to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Additionally, research has shown that one of the heart-healthy effects of olive oil is to increase levels of good (HDL) cholesterol, possibly because olive oil contains antioxidants called polyphenols. Extra virgin olive oil contains more polyphenols than processed olive oil, although the amount of polyphenols can vary depending on the type and brand.
One study gave 200 healthy teenage men about 2 tablespoons (25 ml) of different olive oils daily for 3 weeks. The researchers found that the participants’ HDL levels increased significantly more after consuming the olive oil with the highest polyphenol content.
In another study, when 62 older adults consumed about 4 tablespoons (50 ml) of polyphenol-rich extra-virgin olive oil daily for 6 weeks, their “good” cholesterol levels increased. In addition to raising HDL levels, olive oil also boosted the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions of HDL in studies of older adults and people with high cholesterol. Be sure to choose high-quality, certified extra-virgin olive oil, which tends to have the highest polyphenol content.
2. Eat a low-carb or ketogenic diet
These foods have a number of health benefits, including weight loss and lowering blood sugar levels. Research has also shown that these foods can increase levels of “good” (HDL) cholesterol in people with low levels of “good” cholesterol, including those who are obese, have insulin resistance or diabetes. In one study, researchers divided people with type 2 diabetes into two groups: one group ate a diet with fewer than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day; the other group ate a diet high in carbohydrates.
Even though both groups lost weight, the low-carb group’s HDL cholesterol levels increased almost twice as much as the high-carb group. In another study, obese people who ate a low-carb diet had a 5-mg/dL increase in HDL cholesterol overall, while in the same study, participants who ate a low-fat, high-carb diet had a decrease in HDL cholesterol levels.
This response may be because low-carb dieters tend to eat higher levels of fat. One study in overweight women found that a diet high in meat and cheese increased their LDL cholesterol levels by 5-8% compared to a high-carb diet. It is important to note that the Danish Dairy Research Foundation sponsored the study, which may have influenced the study results.
Additionally, studies have shown that in addition to increasing good cholesterol levels, very low-carb diets may lower triglycerides and improve several risk factors for heart disease.
3. Exercise for heart health and increase good cholesterol
Exercise is important for heart health. Several studies have shown that various types of exercise, such as strength training, high-intensity exercise, and aerobic exercise, are effective in increasing good (HDL) cholesterol levels.
Analytical studies also indicate that exercise can enhance the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of good cholesterol. The greatest increases in HDL generally occur with high-intensity exercise. One small study looked at women with polycystic ovary syndrome, which can increase the risk of insulin resistance. The study required participants to do three high-intensity exercises per week.
Exercise increased HDL cholesterol levels after 10 weeks. Participants also showed improvements in other health indicators, including reduced insulin resistance and improved blood vessel function. Even lower-intensity exercise appeared to increase HDL’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities, although it’s unclear whether exercise volume or exercise intensity had the greatest impact.
Overall, high-intensity exercise, such as high-intensity interval training and high-intensity circuit training, may increase HDL cholesterol levels the most.
4. Coconut oil: health benefits and cholesterol levels
Coconut oil is an oil that has many nutritional properties that are beneficial to health, including reducing appetite, increasing metabolism, and protecting brain health. Some people may be concerned about the effects of coconut oil on heart health due to its high saturated fat content. However, coconut oil appears to have many heart benefits.
Some studies show that coconut oil tends to increase levels of good (HDL) cholesterol more than many other types of fat. Additionally, some studies show that coconut oil may improve the ratio of bad (LDL) cholesterol to good (HDL) cholesterol. Improving this ratio may reduce the risk of heart disease.
One study examined the health effects of consuming coconut oil in 40 women with excess belly fat. Researchers found that those who ate coconut oil daily had increased levels of “good” cholesterol and a lower LDL-to-HDL ratio. In contrast, the group that ate soybean oil daily had decreased levels of “good” cholesterol and an increased LDL-to-HDL ratio.
However, a recent review suggests that the research on coconut oil and cholesterol is of low quality, unclear, and often reports that coconut oil can increase LDL cholesterol levels. Therefore, more research is needed. Most studies have found that these health benefits occur at doses of about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil per day. It should be incorporated into cooking rather than eating a full spoonful of coconut oil.